Mullarkey has exhibited at the National Academy of Design, The Clocktower,
G.W. Einstein & Co., Brooklyn Museum, Trenton City Museum, The Parrish
Art Museum, Fordham University, University of Bridgeport, Hurlbutt Gallery
(Greenwich CT), Cortland Jessup Gallery (Provincetown MA & NYC),
Gallery Camino Real (Boca Raton FL), First Street Gallery (NYC) among
others. Her latest solo exhibition was at Rittenhouse Fine Art, Philadelphia.
Her work is included in various corporate and private collections.
She has lectured at the School of the Museum of Fine
Arts, Boston, and has written on art and cultural issues for various
national publications, including The Nation, Crisis, Commonweal,
Hudson Review, Arts, Newsday, The New York Times,
and Review NY. She is a member of the International Association
of Art Critics (A.I.C.A.) and the National Arts Club. She was elected
to Who's Who in American Art in 1991.
Maureen Mullarkey is a Contributing Editor at ArtCritical and a columnist for The New York Sun.